Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dont Trust Leafilter or Gutter Guards

Tired of always having to clean leaves out of his gutters, a local man bought some leaf filters. But now, he says, that's created a whole new problem.

So, he called on Local 12 Troubleshooter Howard Ain for help.

No one wants to have to keep climbing a ladder to clean the leaves out of the gutter. James Allender says he was tired of doing that at his house in West Chester so he had the leaf filter system installed.

The company, Leaf Filter North, installed these filters in all the gutters around the house last September. But Allender says although they certainly keep leaves and debris out of his gutters they are also causing a problem.

"When it rains the water comes off the roof and hits the guards and just runs straight off of them over the side of the gutters all over the place."

The effects of that water can be seen on this section of gutter at the back of house it's covered with dirt. Allender says the problem was particularly bad in the winter when, as these pictures show, the overflowing water turned to icicles.

He says he reported the problem to Leaf Filter North and a representative came out to look at his disc of pictures.

"They sent out the supervisor who came out on June 29 and told me they've have a crew out here on the 5th, July 5 to fix it."

When he heard nothing he complained to the Better Business Bureau. The firm replied the run-over problem is caused by a fascia board that sits between the shingles and the gutter below.

Allender acknowledges that fascia board could very well be a problem but he says that's only in one small area of the house.

All the other areas of the house don't have that fascia board problem. But, he says, they all have water coming over the gutters.

"Should of figured the whole purpose was so the gutters would work better and now they don't work at all."

So Howard contacted the company's vice president for installation and explained what he had found. He's now sending over two managers to look at the gutters and see what can be done to correct this because, he says, leaf filter comes with a lifetime warranty. 

Provided By Local 12 Cincinnati


  1. You are right one of my friend had trusted gutter guard and has got deceived from that. Thanks for kind sharing. I like your post and also shared among my friend to be aware from this. Liquid Roof RV

  2. That wouldn't be good if it completely reversed the effect that the rain gutters would have on the house. That would be really convenient if it could keep the rain gutters clean, but it's a pain that it causes water to completely flow right past the rain gutters during a big storm. I'm sure that someone could invent something to prevent this problem from happening.
